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 "Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young"

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Estudante de academia
Estudante de academia

Mensagens : 7347

Alerta :
"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Left_bar_bleue65 / 10065 / 100"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Right_bar_bleue

Ficha de Personagem
Vida Vida:
"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Left_bar_bleue1550/1550"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Empty_bar_bleue  (1550/1550)
Chakra Chakra:
"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Left_bar_bleue3600/3600"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Empty_bar_bleue  (3600/3600)

"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Empty
MensagemAssunto: "Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young"   "Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young" Icon_minitime12/9/2013, 14:44

A lua que clareava a saída da enorme rocha, estava cheia. ─ Cheia? ─ Sim, cheia. Não somente cheia por ser uma esfera, mas também por estar impregnada de beleza, amor e clareza. Por fim, cheguei à saída da mesma, me restava apenas seguir o rumo no qual se passava em mente, que por sinal, seria um rumo incógnito.

  • Varinha em minha mão direita;
  • Armas básicas tudo comigo;
  • Vou ali em kiri, talvez volte;

Status: Inalterados.  

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"Say, can you see the cross? Inverted solemnly Symbol for the goat Of a thousand young"
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